Open Letter to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Universities Denmark
On the 24th of February 2022, Ukraine came under siege from invading neighbouring forces breaking decades of peace on the European continent. The war in Ukraine is creating a humanitarian disaster forcing people to flee to neighbouring countries, some of those people are students and junior researchers, and we want to show our support to all of those researchers who have their works and lives disrupted by the war in Ukraine.
Therefore, it is the PhD Association Network of Denmark’s responsibility as a member of the European Council of Doctoral Students and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc), and in our capacity of representing the interests of all PhD students in Denmark, to stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues, both in Ukraine and abroad.
We implore the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Danish Universities to offer their full support to their students and researchers in Denmark who are affected by the situation in Ukraine and facing a tense and difficult situation regarding their work and research and threats to life and safety of their families and themselves. Furthermore, we urge the Ministry and university administrations to provide the opportunity and the means for students and researchers fleeing from or still in Ukraine to continue their pursuit of higher education and endeavours of research at a Danish university.
Danish universities should join the many universities across Europe that are already providing the support and opportunities to those fleeing from the conflict. It is imperative that we all do our part in fighting for a brighter future and the democratic values at the core of Danish and European culture.
Signed by the co-chairs of PAND and the chairs of the PhD Associations at the Danish Universities.